Cardiovascular Testing

Diagnostic Services
Cardiovascular Testing
- Treadmill Stress Test
- Stress Echo Treadmill Test
- Chemical Stress Testing
- Nuclear Imaging
- Nuclear Stress Testing
- Vascular Studies
Treadmill Stress Test
A simple office based test to detect cardiac blockages where a technician places EKG patches on your body while you walk on a treadmill and your heart is monitored under exercise conditions.
Stress Echo Treadmill Test
A treadmill test coupled with an Echocardiogram ultrasound (sonogram) of the heart before and after exercise which detects heart blockages with increased detection than a treadmill alone. Additionally, the echocardiogram gives the doctor information about the structure and function of the heart and it’s valves.
Chemical Stress Testing
A treadmill test coupled with an Echocardiogram ultrasound (sonogram) of the heart before and after exercise which detects heart blockages with increased detection than a treadmill alone. Additionally, the echocardiogram gives the doctor information about the structure and function of the heart and it’s valves.
Nuclear Imaging
This is a stress test using safe, inert agents injected in an IV to simulate exercise and determine if there are any blockages by scanning the heart with resting and stress images and comparing for any areas lacking blood supply. The test is safe and does not use any IV dye.
Nuclear Stress Testing
- Benefits of sitting up – Often nuclear stress tests can be interpreted as abnormal due to a shadow on the bottom of the heart when testing is done with patients laying flat. The most common way of doing a nuclear stress test. At Connected Cardiovascular Care Associates, our nuclear stress test is done sitting up. The higher quality test with less artifacts increase the likelihood of a correct diagnosis and the test is much easier tolerated if you have claustrophobia since the imaging machine does not close over your face. C3 is the ONLY cardiovascular practice in Dallas to offer sitting up nuclear stress testing.
- Reducing artifacts
- Toleration for anyone with claustrophobia in traditional CT or nuclear scanners.
Vascular Studies
- Carotid
- Arterial
- Abdominal aneurysm screening
- Venus insufficiency
- Varicose vein evaluation