Remote Monitoring Programs
Diagnostic Services
Remote Monitoring Programs
- Atrial Fibrillation Detection Program
- TIA or Stroke Diagnosis Program
- Coronary Artery Disease and Blockage Program
- Cardiac Prevention Program
- Congestive Heart Failure Monitoring Program
- Vascular Disease Management Program
- Lower Extremity Wound Care Monitoring Program
How does digital health monitoring work for cardiovascular care?
Certain cardiac conditions are best treated when your doctor has more information about your medical health IN BETWEEN office visits. Diagnoses, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, atrial fibrillation, irregular heartbeats or palpitations and many other conditions benefit from long-term monitoring and help avoid unnecessary hospitalizations As you can imagine, an office visit is a snap-shot of your health while in the doctor’s office for a brief period of time. If your doctor has more information you would be correct to think that more information would improve your medical outcomes and overall better health. Sensors, like wearable smart watches, BP cuffs and weight scales which connect your health data through a secured internet portal to your doctor are now being used at Connected Cardiovascular Care Associates. Ask us at if sensor technology makes sense for you.
Remote monitoring benefits
More vital sign and other medical information to your doctor between office visits. These continuous or frequent data connections to your doctor allow for better and more tailored therapy for chronic cardiac conditions or even difficult to diagnose symptoms.
What to expect from wearable sensors
Wearable sensors include things like a simple smartwatch with special software in the watch which measures irregular heart rhythms and automatically uploads them to a secure website portal for your physician to view and give you feedback on your medical conditions even when you are at home or on the go away from the doctors office or hospital.
Remote Monitoring Programs Offered
Atrial Fibrillation Detection Program
If you have atrial fibrillation (AF), had a catheter ablation, cardioversion or shock to correct AF or if you have symptoms suspicious for atrial fibrillation such as palpitations, stoke or TIA symptoms without a cause or even unexplained fatigue or shortness of breath, remote physiologic monitoring with a wearable smartwatch sensor may be the solution for making the diagnosis. If you have worn clunky holter or event monitors with wires and irritating chest patches, but nothing was found, you may benefit from enrolling in the Remote Physiologic Monitoring Program (RPM) at C3. Contact us with questions at and see if you qualify.
TIA or Stroke Diagnosis Program
Some patients who have experienced a TIA (mini-stroke) or even a full body weakening stroke may have experienced undiagnosed atrial fibrillation. This irregular heart rhythm is associated with stoke since the irregular heartbeat (which is often without symptoms) leads to clot formation in the top chamber (atrium) of the heart and can travel from the heart to the brain leading to disabling strokes. Diagnosis and treatment of AF with Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM) may lead to medication changes which could prevent future strokes or TIAs.
Coronary Artery Disease and Blockage Program
When people have blockages which have not been diagnosed, they are often without symptoms. More severe blockages in coronary arteries can cause the typical symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath or fatigue. Traditional testing includes various forms of stress testing such as a Treadmill Stress test, Stress Echocardiogram (Ultrasound Assisted) or a Nuclear Stress Test (non-invasive cardiac image test) all done in the office. When blockages are less than 70% narrowing of an artery and stress tests are indeterminate, the heart may be testing with a simple wearable sensor worn for 24-48 hours called a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) sensor. These simple wristwatch wearable sensors detect the early changes in the hearts electrical system which become abnormal even before stress test can pick up the blockages. Contact us at to see if you qualify for an HRV sensor to detect early heart disease.
Cardiac Prevention Program
Cardiac prevention may be primary (before) having a heart attack or stroke or secondary (to avoid a second) event. The main parts of a cardiac prevention program include education of the risk factors of smoking, diabetes, high cholesteral, hypertension, diet, exercise and family history which can be managed by Cardiac Prevention Expertise Programs (PEP) at Connected Cardiovascular Care Associates. We work with nutritionists, exercise experts and manage your risk factors as a team-based approach. If you have questions about the C3 PEP programs reach out to us at
Congestive Heart Failure Monitoring Program
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is the cardiac condition which occurs when the heart muscle is weakened either through previous blockage and heart damage or non-blockage reasons, such as viral syndromes which weaken the heart. In either case, patients experience shortness of breath with exertion, occasionally worsening breathing when laying flat (requiring propping up your head on extra pillows to breath), fluid buildup in your lungs or legs. This condition is treated with personalized medication adjustments to avoid unnecessary hospitalizations for IV fluid medications. CHF is a common condition which is improved by Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM) enrollment at C3. The experts at C3 RPM clinic will tailor sensors such as a wireless BP cuff, weigh scale and smart watch sensor which upload critical vital signs to the physician daily and allow for real-time medication adjustments between office visits. These remote sensors provided in the RPM clinic at C3 have been proven to improve outcomes and reduce hospitalization in patients compared to those relying on traditional office visits and self-assessment only. If you have CHF and are not enrolled in an RPM clinic with your cardiologist, consider asking us a question to see if you qualify at
Vascular Disease Management Program
Lower Extremity Wound Care Monitoring Program
Wearable sensors such as oxygen sensors placed on the foot or other areas of the body can detect reduced bloodflow (perfusion) with great accuracy. At Connected Cardiovascular Care Associates (C3) we are working with companies to develop the latest and greatest cutting-edge technology to determine blood flow in your extremities. If you have a non healing wound or ulcer or are seeing a wound care specialist and have not had a test to determine the circulation to your wound, you may benefit from a complete Vascular Disease Management Program evaluation at C3. If you have questions if you could benefit, please contact us at